It is important to have sturdy tents for backpacking that are waterproof and easy to transport. Make sure to consider the number of campers that you will be taking along and what type of gear you are bringing. Also, consider what kind of weather you will be experiencing when you go on your adventure. For winter trips, you will need a tent that can handle snow, rain, and storms.
Lightweight backpacking tents are a budget-friendly alternative. These tents are easy and quick to pack and set up. They are lightweight at less than 4 pounds and provide a cheap way to camp, even for those with tight budgets.
If you plan on doing a lot of mountaineering in the summer, you might want to consider the Mountain Hardwear Outpost 2. It's a two-person tent with a large vestibule that can house your camp chairs, and a sheltered vestibule with a window. The tent comes with a cargo net for storage and an open mesh door that gives you access to the outdoors.

A large canvas tent is a great option for a luxurious camping experience. These tents can hold heaters, lanterns, or Moroccan rugs. The tent also comes with a cushioned mattress and a curtain to break up the room.
Rooftop tents can be used to camp in your vehicle. They are easy to set and take down and provide plenty of space to sleep. Many tents have an integrated mattress and a pad for mattress support. This not only provides a more comfortable sleep experience but also eliminates the need of an inflatable mat.
There are many different types of rooftop tents. While some models are quick and easy to set-up, others can take more effort. Roofnest Sparrow Eye is an easy-to-setup and remove tent. This tent is highly rated and features a high density foam mattress and a rain cover.
The Coleman Instant Tent is another very popular roof tent. Its fabric has been specially developed to block up to 90 percent of sunlight, and it has been designed to be quick and easy to set up. In fact, you can complete the setup in just one minute.

The Coleman Double-Layer Tent might be worth your consideration. This tent is perfect for windy months and has a heavy-duty rainfly to protect you from the elements. Although this tent is intended for two, it can hold eight people with ample gear.
The Coleman ThruHitch Tent is a great option for those who love camping but don't want it to cost a lot. It can comfortably accommodate two queen-sized air mattresses on either side of the tent, and a divider can separate the rooms for privacy.